Shooting Star Fund – Bringing Joy to Children Facing Hardship
The Kiwanis Club of Mount Washington Valley is proud to sponsor the Shooting Star Fund, a charitable initiative dedicated to lifting the spirits of children facing serious physical or emotional challenges. The fund provides special gifts and memorable experiences that bring lasting joy, helping children feel supported and cared for by their community during difficult times.
The organization was begun in the spring of 2008 by four local women who saw that there are young children in the Mount Washington Valley who struggle with extremely difficult situations such as serious accidents, the loss of a parent or a life threatening diagnosis. The Shooting Star Fund has brought comfort and happiness to many children in the Mount Washington Valley. Wishes have included tickets to special events, thoughtful gifts, and experiences tailored to each child’s needs.
Shooting Star Fund’s first gift was made in December of 2008 to Alexandria Walker. Alex lost her dad in the tragic events at the Army Barracks store that shook our entire community. Alex and her dad were devoted Patriots fans and nothing could make her happier than to see a Patriots game in her dads memory. With the generous contribution from a donor, the Shooting Star Fund was able to present Alex and her family tickets to a Patriots game, along with a gift card for transportation expenses to Foxboro. Alex’s mom said they had a truly unforgettable time at Gillette Stadium. “We wanted to bring Alex a bit of joy and let her know that she lives in a community that cares deeply about its children,” said one of the original board members.
Today, Kiwanis has taken over the funding of this program through our regular fundraising efforts, ensuring its continued success and impact.
Children eligible for Shooting Star gifts are referred by school counselor or the school’s Family Support Liaison and must reside in the Mount Washington Valley or nearby communities in New Hampshire and Maine. Each January the committee chairperson sends out a mailing to these staff members at the local schools with information as to how to make a referral. Our club remains committed to expanding this program and continuing to brighten the lives of children in need.
Some of our past recipients have wished for: