White Mountain Treasures honored at chamber meeting

Honored were (second from left) George Cleveland of the Gibson Center for Senior Services; the Mountain Garden Club, as represented by president Gerrie Beck ;and Dick Ficke of Angels and Elves and SCORE. (TOM EASTMAN PHOTO)
November 5, 2013: On the night that the Boston Red Sox were to later win their eighth World Series title and their third in a decade, business and community leaders gathered at the North Conway Grand for the Mount Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce’s annual business meeting and awards dinner.
The hosting of the meeting on the same night as Game 6 of the World Series helped to speed things up more than usual, but one of the highlights was presentation of the chamber’s White Mountain Treasure awards to recipients Dick Ficke of MWV Kiwanis, George Cleveland and the Mountain Garden Club at the end of the night’s events.
NASA Astronaut, Captain Daniel Burbank speaks to the Kiwanis Club of the Mount Washington Valley

Pictured here from left are: Bobby Marquis, Captain Daniel Burbank, and Kiwanis Club President Tim George.
January 12, 2015: The Kiwanis of the Mount Washington Valley had the opportunity to have NASA Astronaut, Captain Daniel Burbank as its guest speaker for a second time On Wednesday, Jan. 7 at New England Inn & Lodge, in North Conway.
Captain Burbank has served as Mission Specialist on Atlantis STS-106 and STS-115, Flight Engineer on Expedition 29 and Commander of Expedition 30 to the International Space Station. Burbank stressed and educated the group on the importance of space exploration. Among other reasons, he said it provides an unparalleled opportunity to make advancements in science and technology benefiting all of humankind.
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time.
Kiwanis Club honors four for 130 years of service

From left: Chuck Kyle, Charlie Mallar, Tim George (immediate past-president), Richard Check and Jim Dunwell.
October 9, 2015: A very special installation dinner was held by the Kiwanis Club of Mount Washington Valley on Sept. 16 at the Eagle Mountain House of Jackson.
The annual event is when outgoing Kiwanis officers are saluted and new ones installed for the coming year.
This time, an extra ceremony was held to salute four members’ extraordinary service to Kiwanis.
Kiwanis clubs, located in 80 nations, help their communities in countless ways. Each community’s needs are different, so each club is different. But by working together, members achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone.
In keeping with that spirit, four Kiwanians were recognized for their years of service to the club and community, which have totaled an astonishing 130 years. Some had been part of the club almost since it was formed by 20 members in 1975.
Honored were: Richard Check, 72, of Conway, member since 1977; Jim Dunwell, 72, of Jackson, member since 1976; Chuck Kyle, 74, of Conway, member since 1986; and Charlie Mallar, 67, of Conway, member since 1984.
The four received the International Kiwanis Legion of Honor Award. This award recognizes a Kiwanis member with at least 25 years of service. They are eligible to receive the award for 30 years, again for 35 years, and so on.
The presentation included a certificate and pin from International Kiwanis. About 60 people attended the dinner, including members, Key Clubbers and family.
Barry Chisholm receives Key Club International Key of Honor Award

Longtime Kennett High School Key Club advisor Barry Chisholm (left) is presented with his award by (from left) Mount Washington Valley Kiwanis President Allen Gould, Will Bradford of the Kiwanis New England & Bermuda District, and Kennett Key Club President Molly DellaValla during the surprise ceremony in honor of Chisholm receiving the Key of Honor Award, the highest recognition award presented by the Key Club International board, in Loynd Auditorium on Feb. 26. (RACHEL SHARPLES PHOTO)
February 27, 2024: Kennett High School Key Club Advisor Barry Chisholm has won the Key Club International Key of Honor Award. This award honors a person who has made a lifelong positive impact upon youth in general and Key Club, specifically. Only two awards are given annually at the international level, and Chisholm is the first New Hampshire recipient in 70 years.
Chisholm was nominated for the award through a 23-page application containing numerous letters of recommendation, examples of biographical information and accomplishments, as well as a nomination letter surmising the reasons why the award was so-deserved.
A surprise ceremony for Chisholm was held on Monday, Feb. 26, with Key Club members and their families, Kiwanians, SAU9 employees, and community members in attendance.
Key Club President Molly DellaValla led the ceremony. Snippets of letters of recommendation were read by students, and Will Bradford, Key Club New England and Berumda District Administrator, presented Chisholm with a certificate and a pin. Refreshments followed, as prepared by Big Dave’s Bagels & Deli and Mineral Spring Cafe at Kennett High School.