Look for the big red banner in Settlers Green to find Angels & Elves HQ in North Conway. The space is donated for the holidays by OVP Management.

How does it work?

Individuals, businesses, and organizations in the Mount Washington Valley come together to purchase gifts for underserved children in our community. Each applicant may only participate in one Christmas assistance program, and application information is shared with other local agencies to avoid duplication. Applications are numbered, and measures are in place to safeguard the privacy of participants. Sponsors are given only the child’s first name. An online form must be completed for each child.

Only the child’s legal guardian may apply for this program. If parents have joint custody, only one parent may apply, and the child can be registered for only one Christmas program. If you apply to our program, we will also verify that no one else has applied to another organization for assistance for that same child. Assistance Request forms must be completed only by a parent, guardian, or a local school Family Support Liaison (or a related position such as a teacher, guidance counselor, etc.). You cannot complete a form for a friend, grandchild, niece/nephew, neighbor, or other non-legal dependents.

We verify each child’s age, residence, and school enrollment, if applicable. Newborns up to age 18 are eligible for sponsorship if they are full-time local students (college excluded) and not parents themselves. Please note that we do not provide for unborn children.

Duplicate applications and/or falsification of information will result in the child being permanently disqualified from Angels & Elves. If you have an unusual situation you would like us to consider, please contact us directly to discuss it.

How do I register my child?

Applicants should email angelsandelvesapply@gmail.com to obtain their own personal link to an application which will be completed online.

While there is no guarantee that a sponsor will be found for every child, we do our best to meet all applicant requests.

Angels & Elves serves children living in the Mount Washington Valley which include:

  • Albany
  • Bartlett
  • Brownfield
  • Conway
  • Freedom
  • Fryeburg
  • Jackson
  • Madison
  • North Conway
  • Tamworth
  • Children who attend Brownfield Denmark Elementary

Residents of the following areas are NOT eligible for this program: The State of Maine (except attendees of  Brownfield Denmark Elementary, and residents of Fryeburg and Brownfield), Wolfeboro, Ossipee, Center Ossipee, West Ossipee, Effingham, Sanbornville, Union, Wakefield, East Wakefield, and Brookfield. Call Elf Headquarters for information regarding programs servicing those areas.

Application Instructions

Complete the Assistance Request form as thoroughly as possible and submit it promptly. We open for applications in mid to late October, check back for dates! All forms must be received NO LATER than Monday December 1st, 2025.

There are no exceptions to this deadline. While every effort is made to match each child with a sponsor from the community, there is no guarantee that we will find a sponsor for every child. Requests are handled on a first-come, first-served basis. You and your child’s names and personal information will remain anonymous, but the sponsor uses the other information on your form to shop for presents for your child. Sponsors bring all gifts to Angels and Elves. Once they are delivered, you will be called to pick them up and given the bag number(s).

We cannot control when sponsors return the gifts. If you have friends that apply, their gifts may be ready before yours, if their sponsor shops earlier in the season. Do not worry. If you receive an email saying your application is accepted, your child(ren) will receive gifts.

1. Assistance Request forms must be completed ONLY by a parent or guardian or a local school Family Support Liaison (or related position – teacher, guidance counselor, etc.). You cannot complete a form for a friend, grandchild, niece/nephew, neighbor, etc.

2. List your telephone number where we can leave a message/text (use a neighbor, relative, at work, if you do not have a phone) in case we have a question or to let you know the packages are ready for pick up.

3. Eligible children: Newborns up to age 18 if a full-time local student (college excluded) and not a parent themselves. Proof of local school enrollment must be provided by the child’s school (we will call them if you do not attach proof of enrollment which slows the approval process). We do not provide for unborn children.

4. Keep your requests reasonable. We ask our sponsors to spend approximately $150-$200 per child.  Do not ask for expensive items such as iPhones, tablets, laptops, UGG’s, Xbox, iPods, etc. DO NOT request gift cards. This will result in us deleting the requested item, meaning your child will receive one less gift.

5. We cannot deliver packages. If you cannot pick them up yourself, you must make your own arrangements and give the person who is picking them up the bag numbers for your children.

6. When you are called to pick up your gifts, please come in right away. The last date to pick up gifts is Wednesday, December 17, 2025.  We will have curb side pickup so you will need to call from the parking lot when you arrive.

7. Each child gets ONE bag of gifts. If you are separated from your child’s other parent, or you are applying as a guardian, please be sure that another parent has NOT applied. We understand that both parents wish to give gifts to the child, but you will need to work that out between yourselves (i.e. each of you take half the gifts). We do not coordinate this, it is up to the parents to work together). If that is not possible, please call Elf Headquarters.

***** IMPORTANT: The link to the application is tied to your specific email address, DO NOT forward it to anyone else as their application will NOT be processed, EVEN IF, you reside in the same household. ALL applicants must contact us directly for their own individual link.

Angels and Elves needs to assure sponsors that they are shopping for a local child in need, and that we have verified the information on each application. We require:
(1) Proof of Residence and
(2) Proof of local school enrollment, if the child is of school age.

Therefore, Even if you applied in the past, ALL applicants MUST attach a photo of a valid driver’s license or state issued ID. If your mail goes to a PO Box you MUST also include a photo of the back side of the ID, which lists your physical address. You can attach it at the end of the process or email it to  angelsandelvesapply@gmail.com.

If you have moved and your address does not match your ID, please attach (or email) a photo of a valid lease with your name on it, signed by your landlord; please include your landlord’s name and phone number so we can contact them directly if there are questions. Alternatively you can visit the DMV and have your license/ID updated or you may provide a copy of a utility bill listing your name and a physical address dated October 2025 or later. If the physical street address on your ID does not match the address on your application for another reason, please send us an email with a short explanation.

Sending a picture of a recent utility bill (October 2025 or later) with a physical address listed would also be VERY helpful, and is highly recommended. If you are paper free, you may submit a screenshot of your utility bill from the app showing the date of last bill, your name and the service delivery address.

If you have joint custody or are applying as a guardian, you may want to consider inclusion of a photo of a valid custody agreement if you think it will help us validate the authenticity of your application.

In past years, applicants have attached pictures of one of the following to prove school enrollment. Any one of these, or something else proving enrollment, will aid in your application being approved.
Examples of things that prove your child is enrolled in a local school:
– fall 2025 report card (a spring 2025 or 2024 report card will not prove enrollment for this school year);
– 2025 school photo with child name and school name imprinted;
– letter from the school principal or other school authority confirming 2025 enrollment;
– reduced price 2025 lunch letter from the school;
– screenshot of the child’s 2025 online class schedule with school name;
– welcome back to school 2025 email from the child’s teacher or school;
– or, if your child is not of school age a birth certificate.

Once your application is approved, you will receive an email from angelsandelvesapply@gmail.com with your child’s number, this may take up to a week. You will then be notified again once your child’s gifts are ready for pickup.  If you have not heard from us after 10 days of applying, you may email  angelsandelvesapply@gmail.com  or call us at (603) 356-5512.